Call for Abstracts

The MEDSec technical advisory committee is pleased to announce the Call for Abstracts for presentations at the second annual MEDSec conference. Please submit your title, abstract (200-word limit), and bio to us at Deadline for abstract submission is January 31, 2017.


The following are the conference’s four tracks, with a short description of each. Please indicate in which track your proposal should be placed. Also note that presenters may be invited to join a panel session for their track.

Regulatory Aspects

  • Cybersecurity regulations for medical devices and systems are rapidly evolving. This session will explore the latest medical cybersecurity and privacy policies, guidelines, and standards, with a focus on what developers, caregivers, and other stakeholders need to know about them.

Secure Medical Device Design

  • Designing privacy and security into medical devices requires the proper management and leverage of computing capabilities such as redundancy, power management, data encryption, tamper resistance, biometrics, secure protocols at varying levels of the communications stack, and so on. In addition, the entire product lifecycle, from definition and development to deployment and field upgrade, must consider security. This session will explore best practices, emerging methods, and lessons learned in building security into medical devices.

Security from the Edge of the IoT to the Cloud

  • HIPAA does not generally cover device manufacturers and their proprietary clouds, so how do we ensure that “Things” and their generated data are secured end-to-end in a covered healthcare context? This session will look at the privacy and cybersecurity issues relating to medical data as it flows from Thing to Cloud and then across the disparate consumer and healthcare data storage and analytics systems that make up the Internet of Medical Things.

Hospital Cybersecurity

  • We’ve learned from recent attacks that hospitals are an attractive target for hackers, and ransomware is a scourge that even the best-resourced organizations are struggling with. In this session, we’ll discuss what hospitals should do to not only protect their corporate networks, but also the connected medical devices and care networks that can be reached from them.